bdk-cli basics multi-sig 2 of 3 tutorial

By waterst0ne on 10/18/2022 - Tags: Tutorial, Bdk-cli, Multi-sig

# 2-of-3 Multi-Signature Descriptor Wallet using bdk-cli

# Overview of the tutorial

  • The purpose of this tutorial is to continue learning bdk-cli as our tool to manage a 2 of 3 multi-signature wallet.
  • Generate a receive address with a spending Policy of 2 out of 3 escrow aka multi-signature.
  • Intro to more complex but standard policies to create custom encumberances aka custom spending conditions for transactions.

Note that to complete this tutorial, you'll need to enable the compiler and electrum flags when installing or building bdk-cli, for example by installing using:

cargo install bdk-cli --features=compiler,electrum

# Step 1: Generate the XPRVs (Extended-Keys) and Save to environment variables

Create three private keys and each in their own environment variable

▶️ export XPRV_00=$(bdk-cli key generate | jq -r '.xprv')

▶️ export XPRV_01=$(bdk-cli key generate | jq -r '.xprv')

▶️ export XPRV_02=$(bdk-cli key generate | jq -r '.xprv')

# 1a: Verify XPRV environment variables are Active

▶️ env | grep XPRV

# Step 2: Generate XPUBs (Extended Public Keys) & Save to environment variables

Generate the three individual Public Keys aka XPUBs using our Private key and descriptor path.

▶️ export XPUB_00=$(bdk-cli key derive --xprv $XPRV_00 --path "m/84'/1'/0'/0" | jq -r ".xpub")

▶️ export XPUB_01=$(bdk-cli key derive --xprv $XPRV_01 --path "m/84'/1'/0'/0" | jq -r ".xpub")

▶️ export XPUB_02=$(bdk-cli key derive --xprv $XPRV_02 --path "m/84'/1'/0'/0" | jq -r ".xpub")

# 2a: Verify XPUB environment variables

▶️ env | grep XPUB

# Step 3: Create Single-Wallet Descriptors

Create the wallet Descriptor for each wallet

▶️ export DESCRIPTOR_00="$XPRV_00/84h/1h/0h/0/*"

▶️ export DESCRIPTOR_01="$XPRV_01/84h/1h/0h/0/*"

▶️ export DESCRIPTOR_02="$XPRV_02/84h/1h/0h/0/*"

# Step 4: Create Multi-Sig-Descriptor Wallets

This is how you create the 2-of-3 multi-sig output descriptor. You will need (one PrivateKey and two Xpubs) It consists of using the compiler function to parse policy to mini-script .

  • When creating the descriptor the order matters so be aware of that when following tutorial if you are for any reason changing the order of the policy.

# Multi-Sig-Wallet 0

  • [ ] ▶️ export MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00=$(bdk-cli compile "thresh(2,pk($DESCRIPTOR_00),pk($XPUB_01),pk($XPUB_02))" | jq -r '.descriptor')

# Multi-Sig-Wallet 1

  • [ ] ▶️ export MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_01=$(bdk-cli compile "thresh(2,pk($XPUB_00),pk($DESCRIPTOR_01),pk($XPUB_02))" | jq -r '.descriptor')

# Multi-Sig-Wallet 2

  • [ ] ▶️ export MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_02=$(bdk-cli compile "thresh(2,pk($XPUB_00),pk($XPUB_01),pk($DESCRIPTOR_02))" | jq -r '.descriptor')

# multi-sig 2 of 3 policy gets compiled to miniscript

# policy

# miniscript

# 4a: Verify Multi-Sig-Descriptor environment variables are active

▶️ env | grep MULTI

# Step 5: Generate Receive Address by using Multi-Sig-Descriptor Wallets

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 get_new_address

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd01 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_01 get_new_address

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd02 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_02 get_new_address

🔴 Did you generate the same address for all three? Good! Else, something might be incorrect.

# Step 6: Send Testnet Bitcoin to the newly created receive-address

Bitcoin Testnet Faucet link:1 (opens new window) Bitcoin Testnet Faucet link:2 (opens new window)

# Step 7: Sync one of the Multi-Sig Wallets

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 sync

# Step 8: Check Balance Multi-Sig Wallets

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 get_balance

  • Every wallet has access to sync and view balance.

# Step 9: Check Multi-Sig Policies on Descriptor Wallet

▶️bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 policies

The output below confirms the command was successful.

  "external": {
    "contribution": {
      "conditions": {
        "0": [
      "items": [
      "m": 2,
      "n": 3,
      "sorted": false,
      "type": "PARTIAL"
    "id": "seaxtqqn",
    "keys": [
        "fingerprint": "7cdf2d46"
        "fingerprint": "fc7870cd"
        "fingerprint": "26b03333"
    "satisfaction": {
      "items": [],
      "m": 2,
      "n": 3,
      "sorted": false,
      "type": "PARTIAL"
    "threshold": 2,
    "type": "MULTISIG"
  "internal": null

# SpendingPolicyRequired for complex descriptors

--external_policy "{\"seaxtqqn\": [0,1]}"
     <-rootnode-><children #0 and #1 of root node>

Save the "id": We will need to use this ''id'' later.

More info on external policies here (opens new window)

# Step 10: Create a Transaction (PSBT)

  • 1st Create a PSBT using the first wallet
  • 2nd Sign the PSBT with the first wallet
  • 3rd Sign PSBT with the second wallet
  • Broadcast PSBT

# Export UNSIGNED_PSBT to environment variable

▶️ export UNSIGNED_PSBT=$(bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 create_tx --send_all --to mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt:0 --external_policy "{\"CHANGE_ID_HERE\": [0,1]}" | jq -r '.psbt')

# Verify UNSIGNED_PSBT environment variable

▶️ env | grep UNSIGNED

# Step 11: SIGN the Transaction

# 1st Wallet Signs the transaction

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 sign --psbt $UNSIGNED_PSBT

▶️ export ONESIG_PSBT=$(bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd00 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_00 sign --psbt $UNSIGNED_PSBT | jq -r '.psbt')

▶️env | grep ONESIG

  "is_finalized": false,

# 2nd Wallet Signs the transaction

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd01 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_01 sign --psbt $ONESIG_PSBT

▶️ export SECONDSIG_PSBT=$(bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd01 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_01 sign --psbt $ONESIG_PSBT | jq -r '.psbt')

▶️env | grep SECONDSIG

  "is_finalized": true,
  "psbt": "cHNidP8BAFUBAAAAAdYCtva/7Rkt+fgFu3mxAdaPh4uTbgBL3HmYZgcEKWygAAAAAAD/////AQqGAQAAAAAAGXapFDRKD0jKFQ7CuQOBdmC5tosTpnAmiKwAAAAAAAEA6gIAAAAAAQFLyGFJFK884DGBM1WgskRZ6gKp/7oZ+Z30u0+wF3pZYAEAAAAA/v///wKghgEAAAAAACIAINHcOQLE6GpJ3J+FOzn/be+HApxW8sZtGqfA3TBW+NYX91hoOAAAAAAWABTPQDZx2wYYIn+ug2pZBmWBn0Tu/gJHMEQCIHu6GmRMDgPZyTx+klFMA9VujR3qDA/Y08kSkRvOaChjAiBAtExtGAYLuQ/DDJzCqLlNZ1bMB3MV+nxsLfTdI9YcYwEhA0b8lz+kt0xHfR/tjUKOc2Nt2L61pDd5vJ/lsKi8pw9MmFUjAAEBK6CGAQAAAAAAIgAg0dw5AsToakncn4U7Of9t74cCnFbyxm0ap8DdMFb41hciAgIjUCIdnyr6rDtuNhVNt4ZBDcvYLawfoJbzbPyxc/WNDUgwRQIhAJdILr7G3UzYylyr2fA13MFsz/jG4+iZlKeEkX79d082AiA99UF0/uFyXBVNUmuGaxdHL7wlhzqfbgGLMREN0z/O6QEiAgPOwNd7FE9LF5eIsmhLSLZ9CU6g4Yeaj4OFp5qregdXpkgwRQIhAO2aRERcublhAzToshkZRMg2I8GaE7mM2ECr0vYyuscmAiB5KK4ETlvrLqL0QbcRbGqrSwIa9lVuOqP3f5qCnGRMaQEBBWlSIQIjUCIdnyr6rDtuNhVNt4ZBDcvYLawfoJbzbPyxc/WNDSEDzsDXexRPSxeXiLJoS0i2fQlOoOGHmo+Dhaeaq3oHV6YhAjGKA2Dqg+QeMICBAifYslQF2WrehLEQ0iEOpp/+eQ0NU64iBgIjUCIdnyr6rDtuNhVNt4ZBDcvYLawfoJbzbPyxc/WNDRh83y1GVAAAgAEAAIAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAiBgIxigNg6oPkHjCAgQIn2LJUBdlq3oSxENIhDqaf/nkNDRgmsDMzVAAAgAEAAIAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAiBgPOwNd7FE9LF5eIsmhLSLZ9CU6g4Yeaj4OFp5qregdXphj8eHDNVAAAgAEAAIAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAABBwABCP3+AAQASDBFAiEAl0guvsbdTNjKXKvZ8DXcwWzP+Mbj6JmUp4SRfv13TzYCID31QXT+4XJcFU1Sa4ZrF0cvvCWHOp9uAYsxEQ3TP87pAUgwRQIhAO2aRERcublhAzToshkZRMg2I8GaE7mM2ECr0vYyuscmAiB5KK4ETlvrLqL0QbcRbGqrSwIa9lVuOqP3f5qCnGRMaQFpUiECI1AiHZ8q+qw7bjYVTbeGQQ3L2C2sH6CW82z8sXP1jQ0hA87A13sUT0sXl4iyaEtItn0JTqDhh5qPg4Wnmqt6B1emIQIxigNg6oPkHjCAgQIn2LJUBdlq3oSxENIhDqaf/nkNDVOuAAA="

# Step 12: Broadcast Transaction

▶️ bdk-cli wallet --wallet wallet_name_msd01 --descriptor $MULTI_DESCRIPTOR_01 broadcast --psbt $SECONDSIG_PSBT

  "txid": "61da2451874a483aa8d1d0787c7680d157639f284840de8885098cac43f6cc2f"

# Verify Transaction

Verify transcation in the memory pool on testnet Mempool-testnet! (opens new window)

Last Updated: 12/19/2024, 6:43:01 PM