[][src]Module bdk::wallet::coin_selection

Coin selection

This module provides the trait CoinSelectionAlgorithm that can be implemented to define custom coin selection algorithms.

The coin selection algorithm is not globally part of a Wallet, instead it is selected whenever a Wallet::create_tx call is made, through the use of the TxBuilder structure, specifically with TxBuilder::coin_selection method.

The DefaultCoinSelectionAlgorithm selects the default coin selection algorithm that TxBuilder uses, if it's not explicitly overridden.


struct AlwaysSpendEverything;

impl CoinSelectionAlgorithm for AlwaysSpendEverything {
    fn coin_select(
        utxos: Vec<UTXO>,
        _use_all_utxos: bool,
        fee_rate: FeeRate,
        amount_needed: u64,
        input_witness_weight: usize,
        fee_amount: f32,
    ) -> Result<CoinSelectionResult, bdk::Error> {
        let selected_amount = utxos.iter().fold(0, |acc, utxo| acc + utxo.txout.value);
        let all_utxos_selected = utxos
            .map(|utxo| {
                    TxIn {
                        previous_output: utxo.outpoint,
        let additional_weight = all_utxos_selected.iter().fold(0, |acc, (txin, _)| {
            acc + serialize(txin).len() * 4 + input_witness_weight
        let additional_fees = additional_weight as f32 * fee_rate.as_sat_vb() / 4.0;

        if (fee_amount + additional_fees).ceil() as u64 + amount_needed > selected_amount {
            return Err(bdk::Error::InsufficientFunds);

        Ok(CoinSelectionResult {
            txin: all_utxos_selected,
            fee_amount: fee_amount + additional_fees,

// create wallet, sync, ...

let to_address = Address::from_str("2N4eQYCbKUHCCTUjBJeHcJp9ok6J2GZsTDt").unwrap();
let (psbt, details) = wallet.create_tx(
    TxBuilder::with_recipients(vec![(to_address.script_pubkey(), 50_000)])

// inspect, sign, broadcast, ...



Result of a successful coin selection


Simple and dumb coin selection



Trait for generalized coin selection algorithms

Type Definitions


Default coin selection algorithm used by TxBuilder if not overridden