Crate base64

Expand description

Correct, fast, and configurable base64 decoding and encoding. Base64 transports binary data efficiently in contexts where only plain text is allowed.


Use an Engine to decode or encode base64, configured with the base64 alphabet and padding behavior best suited to your application.

§Engine setup

There is more than one way to encode a stream of bytes as “base64”. Different applications use different encoding alphabets and padding behaviors.

§Encoding alphabet

Almost all base64 alphabets use A-Z, a-z, and 0-9, which gives nearly 64 characters (26 + 26 + 10 = 62), but they differ in their choice of their final 2.

Most applications use the standard alphabet specified in RFC 4648. If that’s all you need, you can get started quickly by using the pre-configured STANDARD engine, which is also available in the prelude module as shown here, if you prefer a minimal use footprint.

use base64::prelude::*;

assert_eq!(BASE64_STANDARD.decode(b"+uwgVQA=")?, b"\xFA\xEC\x20\x55\0");
assert_eq!(BASE64_STANDARD.encode(b"\xFF\xEC\x20\x55\0"), "/+wgVQA=");

Other common alphabets are available in the alphabet module.

§URL-safe alphabet

The standard alphabet uses + and / as its two non-alphanumeric tokens, which cannot be safely used in URL’s without encoding them as %2B and %2F.

To avoid that, some applications use a “URL-safe” alphabet, which uses - and _ instead. To use that alternative alphabet, use the URL_SAFE engine. This example doesn’t use prelude to show what a more explicit use would look like.

use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE, Engine as _};

assert_eq!(URL_SAFE.decode(b"-uwgVQA=")?, b"\xFA\xEC\x20\x55\0");
assert_eq!(URL_SAFE.encode(b"\xFF\xEC\x20\x55\0"), "_-wgVQA=");

§Padding characters

Each base64 character represents 6 bits (2⁶ = 64) of the original binary data, and every 3 bytes of input binary data will encode to 4 base64 characters (8 bits × 3 = 6 bits × 4 = 24 bits).

When the input is not an even multiple of 3 bytes in length, canonical base64 encoders insert padding characters at the end, so that the output length is always a multiple of 4:

use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD, Engine as _};

assert_eq!(STANDARD.encode(b""),    "");
assert_eq!(STANDARD.encode(b"f"),   "Zg==");
assert_eq!(STANDARD.encode(b"fo"),  "Zm8=");
assert_eq!(STANDARD.encode(b"foo"), "Zm9v");

Canonical encoding ensures that base64 encodings will be exactly the same, byte-for-byte, regardless of input length. But the = padding characters aren’t necessary for decoding, and they may be omitted by using a NO_PAD configuration:

use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD_NO_PAD, Engine as _};

assert_eq!(STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(b""),    "");
assert_eq!(STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(b"f"),   "Zg");
assert_eq!(STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(b"fo"),  "Zm8");
assert_eq!(STANDARD_NO_PAD.encode(b"foo"), "Zm9v");

The pre-configured NO_PAD engines will reject inputs containing padding = characters. To encode without padding and still accept padding while decoding, create an engine with that padding mode.

assert_eq!(STANDARD_NO_PAD.decode(b"Zm8="), Err(base64::DecodeError::InvalidPadding));

§Further customization

Decoding and encoding behavior can be customized by creating an engine with an alphabet and padding configuration:

use base64::{engine, alphabet, Engine as _};

// bizarro-world base64: +/ as the first symbols instead of the last
let alphabet =

// a very weird config that encodes with padding but requires no padding when decoding...?
let crazy_config = engine::GeneralPurposeConfig::new()

let crazy_engine = engine::GeneralPurpose::new(&alphabet, crazy_config);

let encoded = crazy_engine.encode(b"abc 123");

§Memory allocation

The decode and encode engine methods allocate memory for their results – decode returns a Vec<u8> and encode returns a String. To instead decode or encode into a buffer that you allocated, use one of the alternative methods:

MethodOutputAllocates memory
Engine::decodereturns a new Vec<u8>always
Engine::decode_vecappends to provided Vec<u8>if Vec lacks capacity
Engine::decode_slicewrites to provided &[u8]never
MethodOutputAllocates memory
Engine::encodereturns a new Stringalways
Engine::encode_stringappends to provided Stringif String lacks capacity
Engine::encode_slicewrites to provided &[u8]never

§Input and output

The base64 crate can decode and encode values in memory, or DecoderReader and EncoderWriter provide streaming decoding and encoding for any readable or writable byte stream.

use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD, read::DecoderReader};

let mut input = io::stdin();
let mut decoder = DecoderReader::new(&mut input, &STANDARD);
io::copy(&mut decoder, &mut io::stdout())?;
use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD, write::EncoderWriter};

let mut output = io::stdout();
let mut encoder = EncoderWriter::new(&mut output, &STANDARD);
io::copy(&mut io::stdin(), &mut encoder)?;

If you only need a base64 representation for implementing the Display trait, use Base64Display:

use base64::{display::Base64Display, engine::general_purpose::STANDARD};

let value = Base64Display::new(b"\0\x01\x02\x03", &STANDARD);
assert_eq!("base64: AAECAw==", format!("base64: {}", value));


If length calculations result in overflowing usize, a panic will result.


Provides Alphabet and constants for alphabets commonly used in the wild.
Enables base64’d output anywhere you might use a Display implementation, like a format string.
Provides the Engine abstraction and out of the box implementations.
Preconfigured engines for common use cases.
Implementations of io::Read to transparently decode base64.
Implementations of io::Write to transparently handle base64.


Errors that can occur while decoding.
Errors that can occur while decoding into a slice.
Errors that can occur while encoding into a slice.


An Engine provides low-level encoding and decoding operations that all other higher-level parts of the API use. Users of the library will generally not need to implement this.


Decode base64 using the STANDARD engine.
Decode from string reference as octets using the specified Engine.
Decode the input into the provided output slice.
Decode from string reference as octets.
Returns a conservative estimate of the decoded size of encoded_len base64 symbols (rounded up to the next group of 3 decoded bytes).
Encode arbitrary octets as base64 using the STANDARD engine.
Encode arbitrary octets as base64 using the provided Engine into a new String.
Encode arbitrary octets as base64 into a supplied slice.
Encode arbitrary octets as base64 into a supplied String.
Calculate the base64 encoded length for a given input length, optionally including any appropriate padding bytes.