Crate bdk_core

Expand description

This crate is a collection of core structures for [Bitcoin Dev Kit].


  • pub extern crate serde;
  • pub use bitcoin;


  • Helper types for spk-based blockchain clients.


  • A reference to a block in the canonical chain.
  • A checkpoint is a node of a reference-counted linked list of BlockIds.
  • Iterates over checkpoints backwards.
  • Represents the confirmation block and time of a transaction.
  • Data object used to communicate updates about relevant transactions from some chain data source to the core model (usually a bdk_chain::TxGraph).


  • Trait that makes an object mergeable.

Type Aliases§

  • A tuple of keychain index and T representing the indexed value.
  • A tuple of keychain K, derivation index (u32) and a T associated with them.