Trait bdk_wallet::keys::GeneratableKey

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pub trait GeneratableKey<Ctx: ScriptContext>: Sized {
    type Entropy: AsMut<[u8]> + Default;
    type Options;
    type Error: Debug;

    // Required method
    fn generate_with_entropy(
        options: Self::Options,
        entropy: Self::Entropy
    ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>;

    // Provided methods
    fn generate(
        options: Self::Options
    ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error> { ... }
    fn generate_with_aux_rand(
        options: Self::Options,
        rng: &mut (impl CryptoRng + RngCore)
    ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error> { ... }
Expand description

Trait for keys that can be generated

The same rules about ScriptContext and ValidNetworks from IntoDescriptorKey apply.

This trait is particularly useful when combined with DerivableKey: if Self implements it, the returned GeneratedKey will also implement it. The same is true for IntoDescriptorKey: the generated keys can be directly used in descriptors if Self is also IntoDescriptorKey.

Required Associated Types§


type Entropy: AsMut<[u8]> + Default

Type specifying the amount of entropy required e.g. [u8;32]


type Options

Extra options required by the generate_with_entropy


type Error: Debug

Returned error in case of failure

Required Methods§


fn generate_with_entropy( options: Self::Options, entropy: Self::Entropy ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>

Generate a key given the extra options and the entropy

Provided Methods§


fn generate( options: Self::Options ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>

Generate a key given the options with random entropy.

Uses the thread-local random number generator.


fn generate_with_aux_rand( options: Self::Options, rng: &mut (impl CryptoRng + RngCore) ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>

Generate a key given the options with random entropy.

Uses a provided random number generator (rng).

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<Ctx: ScriptContext> GeneratableKey<Ctx> for PrivateKey


type Entropy = [u8; 32]


type Options = PrivateKeyGenerateOptions


type Error = Error


fn generate_with_entropy( options: Self::Options, entropy: Self::Entropy ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>


impl<Ctx: ScriptContext> GeneratableKey<Ctx> for Xpriv


type Entropy = [u8; 32]


type Options = ()


type Error = Error


fn generate_with_entropy( _: Self::Options, entropy: Self::Entropy ) -> Result<GeneratedKey<Self, Ctx>, Self::Error>
