Package org.bitcoindevkit
See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description Network The cryptocurrency to act on. KeychainKind Types of keychains. WordCount An enum describing entropy length (aka word count) in the mnemonic. WitnessVersion Version of the witness program. -
Class Summary Class Description AddressInfo A derived address and the index it was found at. Peek Reset AddressIndex The address index selection strategy to use to derive an address from the wallet’s external descriptor. Balance Balance differentiated in various categories. Sled Configuration for a Sled database. Sqlite Configuration for a SQLite database. DatabaseConfig Type that can contain any of the database configurations defined by the library. SqliteDbConfiguration Configuration type for a SQLite database. SledDbConfiguration Configuration type for a SledDB database. ElectrumConfig Configuration for an Electrum blockchain. EsploraConfig Configuration for an Esplora blockchain. UserPass Authentication with username and password, usually Auth.Cookie should be preferred Cookie Authentication with a cookie file Auth Authentication mechanism for RPC connection to full node. RcpSyncParams Sync parameters for Bitcoin Core RPC. RpcConfig RpcBlockchain configuration options Electrum Electrum client. Esplora Esplora client. Rpc Bitcoin Core RPC client. BlockchainConfig Type that can contain any of the blockchain configurations defined by the library. TransactionDetails A wallet transaction. Blockchain A blockchain backend. Transaction A bitcoin transaction. PartiallySignedTransaction A partially signed bitcoin transaction. OutPoint A reference to a transaction output. TxOut A transaction output, which defines new coins to be created from old ones. TxIn Bitcoin transaction input. LocalUtxo An unspent output owned by a Wallet. BlockTime Block height and timestamp of a block. Wallet A Bitcoin wallet. Progress Class that logs at level INFO every update received (if any). TxBuilder A transaction builder. SignOptions Options for a software signer. ScriptAmount A object holding a ScriptPubKey and an amount. BumpFeeTxBuilder The BumpFeeTxBuilder is used to bump the fee on a transaction that has been broadcast and has its RBF flag set to true. DerivationPath A BIP-32 derivation path. DescriptorSecretKey An extended secret key. DescriptorPublicKey An extended public key. Descriptor A output descriptor. TxBuilderResult The value returned from calling the .finish()
method on the TxBuilder or BumpFeeTxBuilder.Script A bitcoin script. Address A bitcoin address. PubkeyHash P2PKH address. ScriptHash P2SH address. WitnessProgram Segwit address. Payload The method used to produce an address. Mnemonic Mnemonic phrases are a human-readable version of the private keys. -
Object Summary Object Description New Return a new address after incrementing the current descriptor index. LastUnused Memory Configuration for an in-memory database. None No authentication