
Class Wallet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Wallet

    A Bitcoin wallet. The Wallet acts as a way of coherently interfacing with output descriptors and related transactions. Its main components are:

    • Output descriptors from which it can derive addresses.

    • A Database where it tracks transactions and utxos related to the descriptors.

    • Signers that can contribute signatures to addresses instantiated from the descriptors.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • Wallet

        Wallet(Descriptor descriptor, Descriptor changeDescriptor, Network network, DatabaseConfig databaseConfig)
        Create a BDK wallet.
        descriptor - The main (or "external") descriptor.
        changeDescriptor - ?
        network - The network to act on.
        databaseConfig - The database configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • getAddress

         final AddressInfo getAddress(AddressIndex addressIndex)

        Return a derived address using the external descriptor, see AddressIndex for available address index selection strategies. If none of the keys in the descriptor are derivable (i.e. the descriptor does not end with a * character) then the same address will always be returned for any AddressIndex.

      • getInternalAddress

         final AddressInfo getInternalAddress(AddressIndex addressIndex)

        Return a derived address using the internal (change) descriptor. If the wallet doesn't have an internal descriptor it will use the external descriptor. See AddressIndex for available address index selection strategies. If none of the keys in the descriptor are derivable (i.e. does not end with /\*) then the same address will always be returned for any AddressIndex.

      • isMine

         final Boolean isMine(Script script)

        Return whether or not a script is part of this wallet (either internal or external).

      • getBalance

         final Balance getBalance()

        Return the wallet's balance, across different categories. See Balance for the categories. Note that this method only operates on the internal database, which first needs to be Wallet.sync manually.

      • sign

         final Boolean sign(PartiallySignedTransaction psbt, SignOptions signOptions)

        Sign a transaction with all the wallet's signers, in the order specified by every signer's SignerOrdering.

        The SignOptions can be used to tweak the behavior of the software signers, and the way the transaction is finalized at the end. Note that it can't be guaranteed that every signers will follow the options, but the "software signers" (WIF keys and xprv) defined in this library will.

        psbt - PSBT to be signed
        signOptions - signing options
      • network

         final Network network()

        Get the Bitcoin network the wallet is using.

      • listUnspent

         final List<LocalUtxo> listUnspent()

        Return the list of unspent outputs of this wallet. Note that this method only operates on the internal database, which first needs to be Wallet.sync manually.