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addData(List) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.TxBuilder
Add data as an output using OP_RETURN.
addRecipient(Script,ULong) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.TxBuilder
Add a recipient to the internal list.
Address - class in org.bitcoindevkit
A bitcoin address.
AddressIndex - class in org.bitcoindevkit
The address index selection strategy to use to derive an address from the wallet’s external descriptor.
AddressIndex.LastUnused - class in org.bitcoindevkit.AddressIndex
AddressIndex.New - class in org.bitcoindevkit.AddressIndex
Return a new address after incrementing the current descriptor index.
AddressIndex.Peek - class in org.bitcoindevkit.AddressIndex
AddressIndex.Reset - class in org.bitcoindevkit.AddressIndex
AddressInfo - class in org.bitcoindevkit
A derived address and the index it was found at.
addUnspendable(OutPoint) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.TxBuilder
Add a utxo to the internal list of unspendable utxos.
addUtxo(OutPoint) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.TxBuilder
Add an outpoint to the internal list of UTXOs that must be spent.
addUtxos(List) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.TxBuilder
Add the list of outpoints to the internal list of UTXOs that must be spent.
allowShrinking(String) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.BumpFeeTxBuilder
Explicitly tells the wallet that it is allowed to reduce the amount of the output matching this scriptPubKey in order to bump the transaction fee.
asPublic() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.DescriptorSecretKey
Return the public version of the descriptor.
asString() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Address
Return the address as a string.
asString() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Descriptor
Return the public version of the output descriptor.
asString() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.DescriptorPublicKey
Return the public descriptor as a string.
asString() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.DescriptorSecretKey
Return the private descriptor as a string.
asString() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Mnemonic
asStringPrivate() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Descriptor
Return the private version of the output descriptor if available, otherwise return the public version.
Auth - class in org.bitcoindevkit
Authentication mechanism for RPC connection to full node.
Auth.Cookie - class in org.bitcoindevkit.Auth
Authentication with a cookie file
Auth.None - class in org.bitcoindevkit.Auth
No authentication
Auth.UserPass - class in org.bitcoindevkit.Auth
Authentication with username and password, usually Auth.Cookie should be preferred
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