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input() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Transaction
List of transaction inputs.
INTERNAL - enum entry in org.bitcoindevkit.KeychainKind

Internal, usually used for change outputs.

isCoinBase() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Transaction
Is this a coin base transaction?
isExplicitlyRbf() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Transaction
Returns true if the transaction itself opted in to be BIP-125-replaceable (RBF).
isLockTimeEnabled() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Transaction
Returns true if this transactions nLockTime is enabled (BIP-65).
isMine(Script) - function in org.bitcoindevkit.Wallet
Return whether or not a script is part of this wallet (either internal or external).
isSpent() - function in org.bitcoindevkit.LocalUtxo
Whether this UTXO is spent or not.
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