
data class SignOptions(    var trustWitnessUtxo: Boolean,     var assumeHeight: UInt?,     var allowAllSighashes: Boolean,     var removePartialSigs: Boolean,     var tryFinalize: Boolean,     var signWithTapInternalKey: Boolean,     var allowGrinding: Boolean)

Options for a software signer.

Adjust the behavior of our software signers and the way a transaction is finalized.


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fun SignOptions(    trustWitnessUtxo: Boolean,     assumeHeight: UInt?,     allowAllSighashes: Boolean,     removePartialSigs: Boolean,     tryFinalize: Boolean,     signWithTapInternalKey: Boolean,     allowGrinding: Boolean)


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var allowAllSighashes: Boolean

Whether the signer should use the sighash_type set in the PSBT when signing, no matter what its value is. Defaults to false.

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var allowGrinding: Boolean

Whether we should grind ECDSA signature to ensure signing with low r or not. Defaults to true.

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var assumeHeight: UInt?

Whether the wallet should assume a specific height has been reached when trying to finalize a transaction.

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var removePartialSigs: Boolean

Whether to remove partial signatures from the PSBT inputs while finalizing PSBT. Defaults to true.

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var signWithTapInternalKey: Boolean

Whether we should try to sign a taproot transaction with the taproot internal key or not. This option is ignored if we're signing a non-taproot PSBT. Defaults to true.

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var trustWitnessUtxo: Boolean

Whether the signer should trust the witness_utxo, if the non_witness_utxo hasn't been provided. Defaults to false.

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var tryFinalize: Boolean

Whether to try finalizing the PSBT after the inputs are signed. Defaults to true.